Avonmouth Docks & Lamplighter’s Marsh

Current status

We have completed most of the works at the outfall structures within the port. Along the bank of the River Avon, we have completed the installation of the sheet piled and precast concrete flood defence walls. River Avon flood defences are almost complete. Along the Port Road, we have begun works to install the precast flood defence wall. At Lamplighter’s Marsh we have installed a new flood gate at the entrance and the new concrete flood defence wall is largely complete. The temporary footpath access at the Avonmouth end remains open.

Work planned

We will complete works along the River Avon. We will progress the flood defence along the Port Road, with completion in Spring 2024. We will commission the flood gate and landscaping works to the flood embankment at Lamplighter's Marsh. We are planning to paint a community mural on the new concrete flood wall in spring 2024. New dock gates are being installed by the Bristol Port Company in Summer 2024 with a contribution from the project partners.


The project will reduce flood risk to businesses, homes and infrastructure from flooding, and enable development, in this important Avonmouth and Severnside Enterprise Area, helping unlock 12,000 new jobs by 2026 and boosting the regional and national economy.

Pedestrian access will be maintained into Lamplighter’s Marsh so that the area can continue to be enjoyed.